Health Check-up Camp was organized by Pioneer Pharmacy Degree College on 15’th November 2022 as a part of NSS activity. They gave an opportunity to Pioneer Ayurvedic College and Hospital to be the part of this activity.

The Health checkup and Suvarnaprashan program has started around at 10:00 am at the camp site which is Govt. Primary School at Bakrol village along with Dr. Pravir Gupta Consultant in Department of Shalyatantra, Dr. Grishma Ninama Consultant in Deparment of Prasutitantra & Striroga, Dr. Mangala Bandapale EMO, team from Pioneer Ayurvedic College and Hospital.

52 participants had benefited Suvarnaprashan and General Health checkup.

All adults were screened for Hypertension & follow-up was done for the known hypertension at Pioneer Ayurvedic College and Hospital.

Final year Students of Pioneer Pharmacy Degree College were enthusiastically participated in this activity.