World Sight day is celebrated every year since 1998 on the 2nd Thursday of October. Celebration of this day aims at raising public awareness regarding Vision Impairment, Blindness. This year theme for the World Eye Sight Day was “LOVE YOUR EYE SIGHT”. On this occasion Pioneer Ayurvedic College and Hospital organized an awareness lecture by the consultant of Shalakya Tantra in Ayurvedic hospital.
On this day Dr. Bhagyashree Potdar took a very informative lecture in Pioneer Ayurvedic Hospital. In her lecture she gave information related some of the burning issues such as Glaucoma, age related Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy. She talked about how to take good cares of our eyes in day to day life. She also gave information about the Ayurvedic procedure that can help in taking care of eyes and in management of various diseases.